1. The school will be closed early only in extreme cases.
2. The closure may be staggered. Students who live furthest from the school may go first depending on road conditions.
3. The decision to close the school will be made by the Headteacher and senior colleagues after consulting the bus companies. The Chair of Governors will be informed if he is available.
4. Decisions about early closure will be communicated to staff and pupils as soon as this is appropriate.
5. Students who use school buses will be told of any change to normal routes if this occurs so they can decide the best way home.
6. Students being collected from school or with other arrangements will be allowed to phone home for advice on what to do.
7. Students who can walk home will be sent preferably in family groups or in the company of other students who live near each other.
8. School will be kept open with staff on hand until the last student has left.
9. It is not normally possible for students to be given lifts by staff.
10. In the event of a school closure announced during the morning, best efforts will be made to ensure those students entitled to a free school meal are provided with a sandwich and a drink as a minimum.