Stockport Academy has a zero tolerance to bullying. Our Peer Mentors together with the Student Council played a major role in us achieving the BIG Anti-Bullying Award. Our Student Council and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have received the Diana Award and BIG (Bullying Intervention Group) over several years for their work in combating bullying.
Stockport Academy against bullying
The entire school ethos is based around an anti-bullying culture, which is evident throughout each year group. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in Year 10 headline this approach and are responsible for organising a range of events to not only raise awareness of the effects of bullying but also offer support to those who feel they need it.
We have a dedicated anti-bullying email address - click here if you wish to send us a message.
Both Anti-Bullying Week and Anti-Homophobia Week are celebrated widely across the school and in recent years our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have organised everything from colour runs to rodeo bull competitions to engage fellow students on the issue.
Additionally, Stockport Academy has been recognised nationally by the Diana Awards for its anti-bullying stance, with the charity naming us one of its anti-bullying showcase schools which has enabled us to share best practices with other schools across the country. Additionally, we have been the focus of a promotional anti-bullying video produced by the Diana Award's Anti-Bullying Ambassador programme and have received high praise in the Gay Times for a film created by our own drama students.
Anti-bullying Primary School Workshops
We are proud to work with local primary schools, and their peer mentors, on anti-bullying sessions and workshops for students. These sessions enable both primary and secondary students to discuss what bullying is, share ideas about how to prevent bullying and encourage everyone to treat each other with kindness and respect. The workshops foster collaboration, leadership and respect, and provide our Peer Mentors with a platform to share their experience and expertise with the younger generation.
Our most recent session was shared with Alexandra Park Primary School, and students contributed to our 2021 Anti-Bullying Day project - our paperchain of positive words for the "One Kind Word" campaign: