33 students embarked on a 12-kilometre trek around the scenic landscapes, beginning their journey at the tranquil Lower Rivington Reservoir and concluding their adventurous day at the historic Rivington Barn Hall.
They all displayed impeccable behaviour, representing the Academy and respecting the public along the route. Their positive attitude and perseverance during the more daunting segments of the route highlight the valuable learning experiences provided by the DofE program.
Preparations are now underway for the overnight expedition in the Peak District, this summer, which is sure to be an excellent opportunity for further development of the students' skills and confidence in outdoor activities.
Mr Sherwood, our DofE coordinator, said: "The whole group had an unforgettable time that not only challenged us but provided a real opportunity for team building, and we can't wait now for the next expedition to develop our skills further.
"Thank you to all staff members who dedicated their time and effort to support in facilitating a safe and enjoyable experience for the students."