Employability Hub

What is CEIAG?

CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.

Stockport Academy is committed to providing good quality, impartial information, advice and guidance to every student throughout their school career. We ensure that students come in to contact with employers to encourage students to aspire, make good choices and understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the careers to which they aspire to.

Our CEIAG programme provides activities appropriate to age and need; it aims to provide students with the best possible foundation on which to base not only their post-16 choices following Year 11, but also their options choices for GCSE subjects in Year 9. 

Working alongside GM Higher, all year groups participate in careers-driven activities designed for their age range, including mock interviews and STEM activities. Students are able to experience lots of opportunities to speak to representatives from a wide range of career sectors, universities, colleges and training providers raising their future aspirations. 

Our CEIAG Lead is Mrs Thandi, who can be contacted here or by calling 0161 362 4236.

Click here to view our CEIAG Provider Access Policy Statement.

You can find an overview of our CEIAG programme here.


The universal destinations platform

Unifrog is a platform and community that supports schools and colleges in delivering outstanding careers guidance to students aged 11 to 18.

Unifrog provides impartial and up-to-date information on the full range of post-16 and post-18 options, all in one place. Students can compare every undergraduate course in the UK as well as 100,000 courses taught in English around the world. Additionally, Unifrog provides students with access to the most comprehensive database of apprenticeships across the country at all qualification levels, including Higher, SLP, and degree apprenticeships, as well as FE courses.

Once students have explored their interests and compared the full range of pathways available to them, Unifrog provides the writing tools and guidance to help them draft applications including CVs and personal statements.

Benefits for advisors and teachers

Unifrog is a whole-school careers platform that helps careers advisors and teachers to track their students’ progress and keep a record of all careers interactions to offer tailored support for every student.

Staff are able to provide feedback on applications, comment on students’ activities, log careers interviews, upload action plans, manage work experience placements, and download custom reports to evidence provision.

The lessons and teaching resources on Unifrog are mapped to the Gatsby Benchmarks, the CDI Framework, and PSHE Association learning objectives to help schools and colleges deliver quality CEIAG guidance for all year groups.

Parents and caregivers

Every parent or caregiver can have their own login to the Unifrog platform, where they can access the tools and resources to support their children to make informed decisions about next steps. The sign up code you need is: STCKparents and you can sign up here.

Visit their website www.unifrog.org to learn more about Unifrog.

If you are a local employer

Stockport Academy encourages all students to assess and develop their independence in evaluating potential careers.  We run a range of off-timetable days where we encourage employers to come in and speak to students about the opportunities within their work sector.  If you would like to contribute to our programme of preparation for working life please contact Jasspinder Thandi, our Careers Lead


In Year 7 Students begin to consider their career choices. They will focus on what their aspirations are, and skills needed for work in their PSHE lessons. They also take part in careers assemblies focusing on jobs in the local area and what the school can offer to help them become more employable.

In Year 8 students develop their understanding of career choices by covering several topics as part of their PSHE lessons including job sectors, skills needed for these jobs and salaries. They also take part in careers assemblies focusing on jobs in the local area and what the school can offer to help them become more employable.

In Year 9 students embed there knowledge by getting the opportunity to attend a wide variety of trips including Manchester Metropolitan University, careers fair, Pathways evening and much more. Students begin their pathways process with subject specific assemblies.   

In Year 10, the focus is on developing skills for particular careers, asking students to look at their skills, as well as thinking about options for continued education. Key activities include college taster days, work experience, university trips, post-16 discussions with a careers advisor and careers fair.   

In Year 11, students consider a range of options, with a view to choosing the best one for them, whether that is continuing their education at a local college or applying for apprenticeships/Traineeships. All students get a 1-1 careers interview with a careers advisor, a practice job interview, assemblies from local colleges and take part in our CEIAG day with a range of workshops including personal statement writing and attend our careers fair.

We measure careers through our Aspire Surveys and review the Gatsby Benchmark progress using the Compass audit which is undertaken on a termly with our enterprise co-ordinator (via GMCA), to ensure the findings are evidenced and reliable.

Careers Information For Parents

How can you support your child’s career choices?

At Stockport Academy, we understand that the journey from starting in Year 7 to finishing school post 16, can be confusing, for both you and your child.  There are option decisions to make, in year 9, and post 16 choices including apprenticeships, and further education. More information can be found in the infographic pack here.

There are many websites out there with advice, guidance and information on careers and further education.

Should you wish to do further research, please click on the logos below for more information:

career alchemy

stockport council

parent adviser


amazing apprenticeships

pwc careers

What happens after GCSEs?

Click here for support and advice on life after GCSEs from 'Family Lives'.

Inspiring IAG Award

Stockport Academy has achieved the Gold level of the Inspiring IAG Award, recognising the high quality of provision Stockport Academy offers for careers advice and guidance.

The Inspiring IAG Award helps schools and organisations to deliver and gain recognition for good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance.

The award includes a self-assessment, external assessments and validation. The process helps to identify areas for development as well as recognising good practice in the provision of CEIAG. Benefits of the award include:

  • Assists quality assurance of CEIAG
  • Provides a framework for meeting national guidance and legislation
  • Raises the profile of CEIAG at all levels
  • Supports continuous improvement
  • Aids effective partnership working
  • Improves the service offered to young people and can support better results and outcomes for them
United Learning Hub

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee.
Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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